CTA Station
CTA Station: Blue Line Division Stop, Chicago, Illinois
Collaborators: Natalie Schelew, Kayo Anthony
In order to increase access on the existing CTA Division site and link community, we propose to excavate a public pedestrian corridor connecting Polish Triangle and 1601 W. Division, making the CTA accessible from all corners of the community. Further, we propose to close the northbound lane of Milwaukee Avenue and maintain the southbound lane for CTA buses and bicycle traffic only. In doing so, the Polish Triangle extends itself into the community.
We’ve defined our clients, not only as the CTA, but all groups that constitute the community: including urban professionals, people who are homeless, students, commuters, tourists, and artists. We’ve programmed our site with restrooms, seating, the existing Nelson Algren fountain, amphitheater, landscape, outdoor classroom, social service space, square, book exchange, and the CTA. By integrating extensive programming, the design includes each of our clients and creates productive inclusive urban space.